Chamber of Commerce of Bolzano

Origin of the rice

The definition of Rise is given by the Law n. 325 of the 18 March 1958 “disciplina del commercio interno del riso”.

For this kind of product legal requirements regarding the origin are defined by the MIPAAF Decree of the 26 July 2017. The Decree lays down as mandatory the following indications:

  • “paese di coltivazione del riso”: nome del paese nel quale è stato coltivato il risone.
  • “paese di lavorazione”: nome del paese nel quale è stata eseguita la lavorazione e/o trasformazione del risone.
  • “paese di confezionamento”: nome del paese nel quale è stato confezionato il riso.
  • If the farm, manufacturing and the wrapping of the product take place in the same country the origin of the product is pointed with “origine del riso”: name of the country.
  • If the operation took place in more countries of the European Union or situated outside the European Union the origin is pointed with: “UE”, “non UE”, “UE e non UE”.

The MIPAAF Decree of the 26 July 2017 is on force from the 12 February 2018 till the 31 December 2020. If there are products that where place on the market or labeled before the entering into force of the Decree, they can still be sold until the end of the reserve.

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